Individual sessions
50 to 55 minutes
These are offered either in person or virtually.
Couples sessions
90 minutes
These are offered either in person or virtually.
Marathon Sessions
2 hour minimum, 3 hour maximum
These are offered either in person or virtually.
Full day sessions, or mulitday sessions are only offered in person at my office, which start at 11 am and go until 5 PM. This includes a one hour mid day meal break with three hours of therapy in the morning and two in the afternoon.
**As a first responder there are financial resources for you to get mental health care and lower the barriers to accessing care. The fees on my fee schedule page do not apply to you. Please contact me for what you would pay per session.
Professional Consultation
55 or 90 minute virtual session for other professional in the field of mental health and/or sexuality.
Pick my Brain
30 minute virtual session for other professionals in the field of mental health and/or sexuality.
EMDR Consultation and EMDRIA certification
50 to 55 minute virtual individual consultation sessions or 2 hour group consultation sessions for other mental health professionals who are looking specifically for EMDR consultation or to get EMDRIA certified. I am an EMDRIA approved consultant and can provide up to all 20 hours of consultation after EMDR basic training has been completed.
Focus areas
What I work with:
Trauma (PTSD, C-PTSD, single incident)
Sexual violence and trauma
Kink and BDSM
Polyamorous folx
Grief and loss
Chronic illness
Neurodivergent (ADHD, Dyslexia, Autistic folx)
Bipolar disorder
Adoption and adoption trauma (whether as a birth parent or an adopted persons)
Reproductive period concerns: perinatal and postpartum mental health
Parents of disabled children
TCKs (third culture kids)
Former and current military
Government workers (GS, NATO, UN)
Frist responders and medical personnel
Sexual Assault Recovery
It’s not your fault. That's what people tell you, but that’s not how you feel at all. The nightmares, the flashbacks, the memories, the broken relationships and the distrust in people tell you differently. Even now the thoughts about the sexual assault won’t stop.
You need relief. You need someone who understands that it’s just as much about what happened as what didn't. You need relief. Just a moment to breathe. One moment without the memory. One night where the nightmares don’t startle you awake.
You want to enjoy sex and feel comfortable, not only with your body but your desires as well.Sex is supposed to be fun, connecting, and relaxing. But what if, for you, your body never let you be free and now your body shuts down, overreacts, or freaks out. You want to enjoy sex and feel comfortable not only with your body but your desires as well.
When you’ve been abused, hurt, or assaulted, your body stores that experience and that can make enjoying sex with a partner difficult, haphazard, or feel completely impossible.
I help people who are facing sexual struggles due to past trauma and pain. Using EMDR combined with sex therapy, my clients begin to reduce flashbacks, discover more ease in their sexual expression and needs, and feel a greater sense of confidence in themselves and in their relationships.
To schedule your free 30 minute consult now for BDSM and kink competent sex therapy, EMDR, or counseling email
EMDR & Trauma
You’ve been in pain a long time. You have tried talk therapy before and it helped but it didn’t make the pain subside. You keep thinking you are tired of therapy but you can’t seem to move forward even with as hard as you are trying. You are so tired of trying.
You want to stop thinking about what happened to you. People keep telling you that you should be over it by now and that’s just not true for you. Whether it was a car accident, a horrific experience at the doctor, an adoption or birth that didn’t go as expected, an assault, experiences from being a first responder, abuse or neglect, or you are dealing with a phobia, the pain from that can be reduced.
You see your relationships are being affected. Every one of them from the ones at work, the ones with your friends all the way to your intimate relationship(s). Even your relationship you have with yourself is suffering. When you look in the mirror you often wonder who that person is. You can’t connect to your body and when you do you feel an overwhelming sense of panic and the need to run away as fast as you can.
You don’t have to live like this anymore. The pain doesn’t have to stop you from moving forward.
That’s where I come in. I help people by using EMDR to work on what has been stalling your path forward. Through the use of EMDR I see people reduce flashbacks, have better emotional regulation, have better interactions in their relationships, and gain an increased sense of self esteem and self confidence. You can choose to do EMDR online or in person.
Schedule your free 30 minute consult now for BDSM and kink competent sex therapy, EMDR, or counseling.
Sex Therapy + Gender Care
You’re tired of the same ‘ol same ‘ol. You know there must be more to sex. More desire, more intimacy, more fun, and a little more...intensity. There’s something enticing about what could happen when power and control come into play behind closed doors. You are craving more but you don’t even know how to admit your desires out loud. You’re nervous or afraid to get into kink or BDSM because you think your partner will think something is “wrong” with you. No matter how you identify, sex therapy can help bring more fulfillment (and fun!) to your sexual expression. There is so much perceived taboo and shame about sex, let alone when you have a part of you that wants more intensity. You don’t have to be in a relational dynamic to want to go to or benefit from sex therapy. Whether you want to know yourself better, have been through sexual trauma, or just want a place to process the shame or guilt you've been made to feel around your desires, sex therapy can help. That’s where I come in. I help people explore, connect with, and express their inner desires within their relationships. Through sex therapy I help people explore their sexual desires for themselves or in their relationship(s). Through this I have seen people develop more trust, more intimacy, and more connection with themselves and their partner(s). Schedule your free 30 minute consult now for BDSM and kink competent sex therapy, EMDR, or counseling by emailing
Gender care
Are you a Two-Spirit, Trans, and/or Nonbinary adult who needs a referral letter for gender-affirming surgery (GAS)?
You are becoming your authentic self and feeling more at home with what that means for you. That is an amazing thing! For some folx during that process it involves changing your physical appearance to match the internal image you hold of yourself. While some changes can be made without additional help or medical intervention, certain medical procedures do required a letter from a mental health professional. I write gender affirmation letters. I have training through both AASECT approved courses and have attended training through the The Transgender Training Institute. Please contact for more information.
"Grumpy old man"
Alright so let us cut to the chase....somebody somewhere told you that you need to see a therapist, right? Somebody has even potentially called you a "grumpy old man" recently I bet. Whether it was your couples counselor, somebody in your family, or maybe a partner. It may have been a wife, a husband, or one of your kids.
You are not too sure about this therapy thing. You know might as well find somebody and have a session or two. Just to satisfy the people who told he should go, check it off of your to do list. If you have to do this you want to find somebody who is not going to blow smoke and you know you can actually talk to. I am that person. I do not blow smoke, I do not pull punches, and I am a dork. If you are okay with somebody talking to you about feelings in a way that does not feel to touchy-feely then give me a shot. With me you might be surprised, you might even learn a little bit.
Yes I know I look young, yes I know. I have been in the field for over ten years years and while I am young, while I may even be the age of one of your kids, I got that emotional healing to get you to expressing those feelings...or at the very least a session to complete that to do list.
Email for a free 30 minute consultation if you want to see if I would be a good fit.
First Responders, Military, Medical
Serving as a first responder, military personnel, or medical professional is unique in many ways. Whether you work from a squad car, fire truck, ambulance, hospital, or back at the station, you make life-altering decisions every day. Your decisions could change not only your life but others as well. Now, more than ever, the pressure is on for you to do your job by the book and it can be a strain on your life.
What happens when you go home at night and the day is over though? You know there will always be more to do. Thoughts of another call or another emergency create a never-ending chain of stressful thoughts and sleepless nights. Are you able to separate work and home? When you first start out it is exciting work and you get to help people, which makes you proud and happy to serve. Then you start to notice changes. Often, your friends or family notice before you do. Sometimes they are the ones who tell you that you’ve changed, or that you seem a little off. It’s the smaller things that you too start to notice. You’re irritable, you're quick to anger, or you can never seem to relax, so you distance yourself from the people who are important to you. Recurring dreams of past incidents come to mind at the worst moments. You can’t pinpoint why or when this started, but now all you want is to make it stop.
That’s where I come in. You will work with someone who understands the uniqueness of serving as a first responder, someone you don’t have to explain everything to or edit yourself with. I am the former spouse of a double uniform, fire and military, so when you come in you are talking to someone who has understanding. This means you can talk to someone who has some personal understanding and the professional experience to help you figure out a plan to get back to tackling anything that comes your way, whether on the job or at home. Don’t keep bottling this up, hoping it gets better on its own. Know that it’s okay to reach out for professional support.
**As a first responder there are financial resources for you to get mental health care and lower the barriers to accessing care. The fees on my fee schedule page do not apply to you. Please contact me for what you would pay per session.
To schedule a free, 30-minute initial consultation with me to see how I can help email
Experience and Education
As a mental health professional who has been in the field over 10 years I have worked in multiple setting with a variety of demographics. Some of the experiences and education I have in my pocket are personal but primarily they are professional. I have lived both overseas and in several states within the US. Listed below are some of my most recent or currently relevant educational and training experiences.
Education, Professional Memberships, and Certifications::
Masters in Counseling and Guidance-Texas A&M San Antonio
EMDRIA Certified EMDR Therapist
AASECT Certified Sex Therapist
NBCC National Certified Counselor
LEXIPOL-NERPSC Certified First Responder Clinician
Presentations & Speaking Engagements:
Upcoming-2025 International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH/ISSM) Joint Meeting 2025
2023 American Association of Sex Educators Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) National Conference Speaker- Sex after Sexual Assault: Helping Clients Rediscover Pleasure and Play
2023 Sexual Health Alliance (SHA) Inaugural Sexology Conference Speaker-Brining Sexy Back-Into the Therapy Room That Is: Working with relational dynamics being impacted by sexual assault which occurred outside of the current relationship
Trauma in the Reproductive Period
Trainings most relevant to my current work: (not a comprehensive list)
Clinical Strategies for EMDR Therapy: Creative Protocols-2024
Implicit Bias and Healthcare Equity: The Impact of Self-Awareness-2024
Unmasking Neurodivergence: A Non-Pathologizing Tool for Engaging Neurodivergent Populations-2024
How Hypervigilance Impacts Responder Families and Clinical Interventions- 2024
"Disability is an art-a genius way to live": Dreaming pleasure centered disabled lives-2023
Emergency Responder Health & Barriers to Care-2023
Clinical Care for Sex Workers: A Sex-Positive Model for Collaboration and Connection-2023
Double Gifted-Kinky and Neurodiverse-2023
PTSD and Hyperimmune Disorders & Implications for EMDR Therapy-2023
Sex on the Spectrum: An Overview of Autism and Sexuality-2022
Evicting Toxic Shame (EMDR protocol)- 2022
Trans Affirming Care: Surgery Letter Writing-2022
Treatment of Traumatic Attachment to a Perpetrator using EMDR therapy-2021
Working with Parts in Dissociative Disorders-A Practical Guide for EMDR Therapists 2021
EMDR for Early Trauma and Neglect Held in Implicit Memory-2020
Treating Dissociate Disorders with EMDR; The progressive Approach-2019
(A comprehensive list of completed trainings is available upon request)
Aside from my formal education and training I have professional specialized experience with:
Foster care system (multiple US states)
Adoption, adoptee, & gestational parents
First nation and indigenous groups
Military and veterans
Medical, Emergency Personnel, & First responders
DOD, NATO, NGO, and UN workers
The Deaf
Chronic illness & disability
Aging populations
Children and teens